Project 2: Responsive Design & Business Web Site Research

• Ocean Day Spa •

Ocean Day Spa has a really nice look to their website for the most part. They used a single column format and because they have most of their content spread out on different pages it works okay.

I like the interactive calendar that they have to schedule appointments from the homepage.This feature makes it easy to do a main task that a consumer would look to do on a website very easily

The only thing I really don’t like about the page is the footer. It is really big and the content does not have good alignment. The footer could be cleaned up very easily and it would give the website a much cleaner feel.

Their webpage is responsive. They flow remains intact even when I make my web browser as small as it will let me. The footer still does not align in any format that makes sense, it looks awful in both the big and small views of the website. Other than that, it responded to really well and had a pretty clean look overall. Even the calendar to make appointments maintained functional.