Home               Introduction               Morning               Afternoon               About


2 P.M
4 P.M
10 P.M

Breakfast From 11am to 4pm is a boring time for me.
Nobody plays with me.
Both Mammy and Daddy are working.
Moma is just waiting for squirrels to come out.
She is a killer.


I am so excited when Daddy comes back.
He throws a ball for me.
I love this game.


I used to sleep on a bed with
Mommy and Daddy.
Since Moma came to my house,
it's her place.
So, I decided to sleep in a closet.

She sleeps . . . between Mommy and Daddy,
and she . . .uses. . . . . the most space.
Good . . . . . . . . Night. . .

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