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Jacks bio Shot

Hi, I am Jack.

I was born in late spring, 2010, in a camp near Truth-or-Consequences, New Mexico. I can't remember how or why, but somehow I was on my own at a very young age - maybe 6 weeks old? Having lost my canine family, I roamed the area eating sticks and rocks and happened upon a campsite by Elephant Butte lake and THAT is where I met my girl!

My girl, Caylee, was with a bunch of other people and she picked me up and hugged me - no one had ever done that before! I was having some "intestinal issues" and squirmed out of her arms to take care of business, and that is when I was named Jack. Caylee said I looked like a kangaroo when I was doin that, it reminded her of Kangaroo-Jack (the movie) so there you have it - I became Jack.

Next thing I know, I am getting left with a really nice lady in a very quiet place. Turns out, if you find a dog without a family, you need to bring it to the local shelter in case a family member is looking for it. I didn't understand that then, but I got some of the best food I'd ever tasted and was so comfortable and cozy there.

It was not such a long time before my girl came back and put me in a soft thing and I sat on her lap for a pretty long time before I arrived at my new home and met the rest of the family.

Today, I also get called other names. I am AKA:

  1. Jackson
  2. Jackson-Brown
  3. Houdini-Jack
  4. Kangaroo-Jack
  5. Roo
  6. Roo-Jack
  7. Dingo-Dog
  8. Jumping Jack flash (he's got gas, gas, gas)
  9. Come, Jack

Elephant Butte camping

flag I would LOVE to go back and visit my birth place. It's just a matter of making some reservations and I found the perfect site to do that: New Mexico State Parks Reservations .

I hope we can plan a trip soon - I'm not a spring chicken any more!

Elephant Butte Lake State Park

Look how BIG this park is! It is amazing that my girl found me there! Elephant Butte State Park


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