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Distinctions Between the Internet vs. World Wide Web

People interchangeably use the words "internet" and "web" when describing online activity, but are they actually the same? Read below to learn more

What is "the internet?"

Internet is a network system that collects tons of person and government resource data. It's purpose was to communicate through this worldwide protocal that would send data faster to other internet authorities.Also there are alot of search engines of the interent below which I will list few.

  1. safari
  2. firefox
  3. yahoo
  4. AOL

The internt is in constant motion with all the information we input into the web. Also, the web can be just as powerful as it is useless. - " bill gates"

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow bill gates with a quote )
bill gates amazing image download

What is "the web"?

The Web was inveted by tim Berners-lee in 1989. the web is a computers world. We can tap into it just as much as of computer device as long as we learn the hyper language, which is in text for the user th pick up word phrases from texts to be able to acess documents. Some of the types of software that can help you understand the web are listed below for you.

Website without visitors is like a ship lost in the horizon - Dr.Christopher Dayagadag
web photo see photo