What is "the internet"?
The internet is a massive public network of networks, a labyrinth of hardwired and wireless connections between disparate drives on countless devices scattered around the world. In a sense, it is like a global computer, wherein each individual computer or server becomes just another node in one massive, distributed system. Individual computers or users can log on or off, but the greater network itself remains indefinitely.
-Norm Vogele
Examples of devices that use the internet:
- Smartphone
- Computer
- Television
- Smart Watches

What is "the web"?
The World Wide Web, or just “the Web” for short, is a standardized system for accessing and navigating the Internet. It isn’t the only one (email and mobile apps, for instance, do not make use of the Web to connect you to the Internet), but it is by far the most common.
-Norm Vogele
Examples of popular sites that use the web which you may be familiar with:
- Youtube
- Wikipedia

What is an "app" and what are its key differences from a "webpage"?
An application is a completely self contained piece of software that does not need to make connections to other computers or the internet, but has the ability to if needed.
The New York Times might publish the same articles on its website as it does in its mobile app, but they technically exist in different places, in different forms. Something published only on the app is invisible to Google, and to browsers, until it is given a webpage. If you have downloaded a recipe app and search for a particular dish, you are searching within the app, not across the Web. Any given mobile app could use any of a number of coding languages other than HTML, because it doesn’t have to communicate with all the other websites in the world. (from Page One Power)
Examples of applications:
- Adobe Photoshop
- Downloaded Games
- Blender