What is "the internet?

The internet is 9110 days old today.
Internet facts
Useful facts about the internet are:
- The internet is a globally connected network that allows any user to get information or share information.
- You can access the internet through devices such as computers, mobile phones, smart speakers, such as Google Home and Amazon Echo.
- Wearables, such as Fitbit and Apple Watch. Almost everyone in the world uses the internet though one these devices every day. The internet is what makes the web possible.
What is the web?

There are over 5.47 billion active internet users.
Web facts
Useful facts about the web are:
- World Wide Web or “WWW’’ grants a source of browsing information retrieval assistance over the internet using hyperlinks which takes you to other resources.
- It gives the user access to a large range of information and it is also how information is shared.
- An example of how you can share information is though documents that are connected though either a hypermedia or hyperlinks.
What is an "app" and what are its key differences from a "webpage"?

Users cannot manipulate a webpage, but an application has the opportunity to. The main difference between the two is its function.
Facebook is a website which allows users, who sign-up for free profiles, to connect with friends, work colleagues or people they don't know, online.
Appication facts
Useful facts about applications are:
- Apps can help business owners share software with their employees to assist the business in order to work faster, be more productive as well as more efficient.
- Applications tend to be lower in price and reach a larger audience. Apps are typically meant for assisting whereas a web page’s purpose is more to inform.
- An application or app for short is an installable software that can be downloaded to a computer smartphone, handheld tablet and other electronics devices.